Director of Special Education
(804) 758-2277
Video Guide to the Special Education Evaluation Process for Families
These video modules will provide parents, families, and other stakeholders with a brief but comprehensive overview of the special education process on the following topics. Each module is designed to be viewed as a stand-alone resource or viewed in succession.
Ind. Ed. Program (IEP)
Early Intervention
What's Next
New Resources for Military-Connected Families of Students with Disabilities
The Virginia Department of Education's Family Engagement Network (FEN) is a group of professionals from local school divisions, university training and technical assistance centers, state agencies, and other organizations whose purpose is to foster family involvement and engagement in education, especially for children with disabilities.
The FEN has created four new resources for military-connected families of students with disabilities. These three one-pager resources, as well as a video, are linked below.
Sensory Disabilities
The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) is required by the Code of Virginia,
§ 22.1-217.01, to annually prepare and distribute to local school boards information describing educational and other services that are available to students who are deaf, hard of hearing, or visually impaired. School boards are required to post this information on school division websites annually and to inform the parents of students who are identified as deaf, hard of hearing, or visually impaired of the availability of such services.
The VDOE’s Annual Resources Update for Serving Students with Sensory Disabilities is a compilation of the required guidance documents and additional resources available through the VDOE’s Sensory Disabilities webpage.
Transition Planning
Transition is the process students and their families use to think about life after high school, to identify their desired outcomes, and to plan their community and school experiences to assure that the students acquire the knowledge and skills to achieve their goals. The transition planning process enables the student to move successfully from school to postsecondary education and training, employment, independent living, and community participation based on the student's preferences, interests, and abilities. Ms. Beth Barksdale, faculty member at MHS, is responsible for special education transition planning and coordination. Her contact information is:
Special Education Parent/Family Liaison
The special education parent/family liaison acts as a neutral resource for parents and guardians of students with disabilities in non-legal special education matters. The liaison offers informal support while also encouraging communication and collaboration between parents and schools. By fostering positive relationships among all stakeholders, the liaison serves as a bridge between families of children with disabilities and the school division.
The special education parent/family liaison for Middlesex County Public Schools is Ron Hostinsky, school social worker, who can be reached at 804-758-2277 or