Navigators of the Quarter

Travis & Nicole Smelser, MCPS

"Travis and Nicole hosted a field trip for the Special Education students that attend private day schools. They transformed their yard into a winter wonderland. They provided snacks, filled stockings, and had a photo station. The students really enjoyed the event!"

- Travis & Nicole Smelser, MCPS

Angela Boucher

"Angela makes her science lessons both engaging and informative to ensure that all 5th-grade students can succeed and build their confidence. Her caring personality ensures that every child feels recognized and celebrated for tor their accomplishments."

- Angela Boucher, MES

Angela Johnson

"Angela is a force to be reckoned with at Middlesex High School. Nearly everyday she has students come to her class for extra help in both academics and intra personal issues. She handles each student with grace. It is an honor to work beside her."

- Angela Johnson, MHS

Mary Lorenzino

"Mary has gone above and beyond the Bookworms curriculum to help her students better connect with the text. She also serves as our PTO president. She tirelessly plans events, coordinates volunteers, and raises funds to support our students in a variety of ways."

- Mary Lorenzino, MES

Gina Putney

"Gina fosters a strong sense of ownership in the learning process. She excels at guiding students towards achieving their academic goals through personalized strategies and engaging learning experiences. She does an amazing job helping all children feel comfortable."

- Gina Putney, MHS

Connie Bray

"Nurse Bray cares very much for the students at SCW. She always goes above and beyond to help any child in need. She is our lead division nurse communicating with local and state organizations to ensure that our division has all the resources it needs."

- Connie Bray, SCW

Tiffany Hedtke

"Tiffany has been such a wonderful mentor for students and support for staff in the building. Whenever she is called in to deal with tricky situations in the classroom, she defuses the situation and treats everyone involved with respect and kindness."

- Tiffany Hedtke, MES

Lowery Van Buskirk

"Lowery puts in so much of her time and effort into helping students deepen their math skills! She encourages them and helps them believe in themselves. Lowery is very creative when designing learning activities to engage students. She makes math a happy place for so many."

- Lowery Van Buskirk, MES

Trish Wood

"Trish demonstrates remarkable creativity by thinking outside the box and finding effective ways to prepare and support staff working with English as a second language learners. Her efforts help create meaningful and engaging classroom environments."

- Trish Wood, MCPS